T30 Unboxing Checklist



Does it have the spray tank extension port cables?

Cable is on the front right side coming out from the bottom foam cover.



Does it have the spreader tank extension port cables?
Cable is on the front right side coming out from the bottom foam cover and is labeled B/S.


Does it have a radar cover plate?

Perform a high altitude radar check
A few drones have had issues with the radar being too sensitive at altitudes above 4 meters (13 feet).

DJI states this is due to the firmware making the drones radar more sensitive at higher altitudes. Typically the drone is in a “Return To Home” (RTH) state at altitudes above 4 meters when the issue occurs. During the RTH flight, the drone can fly at speeds faster than the radar can detect smaller obstacles (like power lines) and stop itself. The top speed for the radars detection ability for smaller obstacles is 23 ft/s.

Simply perform the following steps to determine if your drone is having this issue or not. This check can be performed during your first flight. It is not common but will hinder your ability to operate if you have this issue.

How to Test Your Radar

  • Set up drone for flight
  • Power on controller and drone
  • In an area free from obstacles, fly drone to a height above 13 feet. We recommend to fly at about 20 feet.
  • Fly drone forward and backwards
  • Make sure drone does not detect any false obstacles and is not limiting your ability to fly.
  • If your radar does not detect anything and does not prevent your ability to fly, you do not need to continue with the following steps. If your drone is getting false detections and limits your ability to fly please follow the following steps to resolve this issue.
  • Lower drone height to 10 feet to fly back to home point and land.
  • Follow the “Radar False Indication Resolution” doc in the T30 Train Yourself Guide. CLICK HERE to access the document.
  • After updating the drone firmware, please test drone again to ensure you can fly above 13 feet without getting any more false indications from the radar

If you are missing any of the items listed above please let us know, and we will get them shipped out to you. If you need assistance with your radar please reach out to us as well and we can help you troubleshoot any issues.

Please contact the Parts and Tech Support Department at (573) 306-2818 or email [email protected] for help.

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