Automatic Log Uploading to Ag Management Platform

If you wish to have your flight logs automatically uploaded to the cloud so that you can access them on the Ag Management Platform you will need to ensure you have enabled the “Flight Record Auto Sync” enabled.  This will allow for your logs to be uploaded when the controller is connected to the internet, which will let you create a map (similar to an As Applied Map) to provide to customers as proof of completion for an application.

How To:

  1. Power on controller
  2. Select settings wheel icon on main home screen
    1. This opens “General Settings.”
  3. Select “Privacy Settings”
  4. Scroll to bottom of page
  5. Ensure “Flight Record Auto Sync” is enabled.

If you have any questions call our Parts and Tech Support Department at (573) 306-2818 or email [email protected] for help.

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