Agri Spray Drones Summer Application Updates


Summer is a busy time for drone application. We are here to make sure you have success. Please take your time, read through these updates, and watch the videos to make sure you are prepared for the busy season.


New T30 Firmware

DJI released a new firmware update to the T30, Version 01.00.0509. You do not have to install this update, but if you would like to, make sure you do it on a day that you will not be doing any spraying. Some have noticed that it can take a long time and have had issues.

The biggest advantage of the new firmware is the addition of Google Maps satellite imagery, which is much more clear than the old imagery. However, some of our customers have experienced some bugs in the new firmware. If you do decide to update and want to revert back to the old firmware you can do that.

Watch this video for a tutorial on how to upload new firmware and downgrade to the old firmware.


High Temperature Errors with Motors and Batteries

During our testing of the prototype T30 units in 2021, we experienced no issues with high temperatures. However, some of the production T30 units are experiencing high temperature errors on the batteries and motors. This typically happens on hot days after a couple hours of flight.

Click this link to watch video for an explanation of this and what to do in order to prevent it from happening. And read below tips.

  • Reduce weight and only fill with the amount you need.
  • Reduce full tank flight time (get closer to the field and spray it out as fast as possible)
  • Keep batteries cool while charging
  • Get a 4th battery and add it do the cycle.
  • If a motor gets hot during operation, the RC will give an error message saying which motor it is. Replacing that motor usually fixes the problem.


Pump Calibration

It is very important to make sure you have the correct spray tips installed and have calibrated to those tips. Watch this video to make sure you are calibrating the pumps correctly.


Clean Out your Tank and Filters

Fungicide can get really sticky and cause lots of problems in the pumps, solenoids (black boxes by nozzles), and filters. ALWAYS rinse out your spray system at the end of the day. Watch this video for a guide on how to do this.


Fungicide Mixing and Handling Advice

Tall Corn Application

Flying over tall crops is different than shorter crops. We recommend setting your application height to 12-14 ft when flying over tasseled corn. This will put your actual application height at 10-11 feet over the tassel, because the radar will typically not sense the tassel. This will give you an application width of about 28 feet.

  • Watch out for power lines and tree branches! You will be about 20 feet in the air when flying corn.

Remote Controller Advice

Watch this video for advice on remote controller management.

  • Keep your remote in the office or house with you and charge the internal battery.
  • Make sure you are logged into your account before leaving to go spray.
  • Check your field boundaries before leaving for the day.
  • Bring your external batteries and charger to the field.
  • Sync all of your data as soon as you get back to Wi-Fi at the end of the day.

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